Phillip and Alexa Guillen

Project: Pool and spa, pergola and pavers, landscaping

Why: They love water and wanted to create a natural oasis for their home.

Extreme Exteriors services used: Design and construction, maintenance

What do you do when you can’t get away to enjoy nature? You bring nature close to home! Especially if you love everything about water as much as the Guillens do, from the sound of it cascading over rocks to soaking in the spa or jumping into the deep end. Phillip and Alexa love living in West Texas, but they miss the trees and water that were so abundant where they grew up in Seattle and Northern California. They were inspired by their love of the outdoors and were both involved in helping design their dream backyard.
Alexa in particular was a strong voice for keeping the trees close to the pool, even if it meant a little more cleanup during fall. They both wanted a lot of natural stone and worked closely with their project manager, Scott Littlejohn, as the design progressed from paper to production. Phillip said, “I think we were very blessed to have Scott as one of the leaders here. He has this artistic eye and even if he couldn’t explain it to you he could visualize it and say, this boulder needs to go here, this boulder needs to go there. I’ll be honest, while it was being constructed, every week we were mixing and matching different items and ideas. A lot of that I have to attribute to Scott’s vision.”
Backing up a little, Phillip and Alexa reviewed how they chose to work with the Extreme Exteriors team. First of all, they were impressed by what they saw and heard. They had a recommendation from a close friend and then they visited the showroom. Phillip saw a grotto in one of the photos on the wall and decided that was something he would like also. After meeting with their designer, both Phillip and Alexa were confident that the Extreme Exteriors team could deliver a total backyard transformation. For example, they wouldn’t have to find a pool builder and then a landscape architect. They both liked that they would have the full design in their hands from day one and know how things would look upon completion.
Probably one of the most noteworthy compliments that Phillip gave the Extreme Exteriors team was that the backyard actually feels bigger than it did before the pool, hot tub, and landscaping were added. It’s almost antithetical to consider that going from a bare backyard to a space with a pool and spa, pavers and pergola would actually look bigger, but it really does.
Is it okay to be proud of your work? We hope so. We as a team are proud of how the Guillen’s backyard turned out. It really looks amazing and it wouldn’t have been as successful without the vision and diligent effort that Phillip and Alexa put into the project themselves. Their project is an outstanding example of how homeowners, designers, and project managers can work collaboratively to take a backyard from ordinary to extraordinary.

Stephen and April Herriage

Project: Pool and spa, custom firepit, pavers, landscaping

Why: Their home is a gathering place for their family. With the addition of the pool, Stephen says the family frequently comes over early and stay late!

Extreme Exteriors Services Used: Design and Construction

Stephen and April love to be outside and with a newly built home, they had a blank canvas to work with. They both wanted to add a pool because as Stephen said, “It’s much better than a swingset!”

The Extreme Exteriors design team created a unique, crescent-shaped spa as well as a jumping rock with waterfall on the far end of the pool. “What he (Randy) drew up, we liked,” Stephen said, “we didn’t tweak it all.” Stephen and April both enjoy looking at these features when they’re inside; in fact, they both said the spa and waterfall are their favorite parts of the design. He also commented that the waterfall is probably the kids’ favorite part because of the jumping rock.

Stephen and April’s experience in working with the Extreme Exteriors team was very positive. Stephen said, “The quality of the work was good and if you could see the original plan, it’s pretty spot on to what I thought I was going to get. Also, at no point did any of them attempt to cut a corner. I feel like it was done right.”

Stephen and April’s only regret is that they didn’t start the project sooner. He said they practically live outside and once their outdoor TV’s are mounted, they may never come back inside! Because the pool is heated and the spa is always warm, they feel that they can get year-round enjoyment of their new outdoor living space. 

Forrest and Candice McCray

Project: Phase 1: Outdoor fireplace, pergola and patio space. Phase 2: Pool and spa, retaining wall and stairs, outdoor lighting

Why: The McCray’s wanted to create an outdoor living space that the whole family could enjoy. They also greatly appreciate their peaceful view of the pond, so they wanted something that complemented the natural beauty they enjoy every day.

Extreme Exteriors services used: Design, construction, retail sales

After completely renovating their home’s interior, Candice and Forrest turned their attention to the outdoor living area. During phase one of construction, the Extreme Exteriors team extended the patio space to accommodate a dining area. A nice seating area by the new outdoor fireplace was also constructed. The McCray’s knew they eventually wanted a pool because they are such outdoor people who love the water. They have access to the pond, but they probably didn’t want to swim in it, unless they planned to paddle alongside the family of beavers that make their home there!

Candice wanted a pool that was beautiful and elegantly simple. Although Extreme Exteriors completed phase one to her liking, Candice spoke with a few other pool builders to see what they could offer. In the end, she was most impressed with the design process Extreme Exteriors offered. She said, “Our pool design was a total collaboration between me, my husband Forrest, and Randy. We told Randy what would go well with our home and he came up with a design. We told him the features that we wanted: a spa, bowls, and a little area that you can take a chair into the pool. Randy came up with the seats underneath the bowls, so if you’re sitting there the water comes from the bowls and runs down your back.”

Candice also worked together closely with project manager Jeremy Scott on details such as the pool’s plaster finish, the columns around the pool, and the design for the wrought-iron gates that will soon be installed.

Candice’s level of involvement has really paid off in terms of her achieving the look that she hoped for. Her advice to anyone who is thinking about working with Extreme Exteriors is, “I would give Extreme Exteriors 100%, totally go with them, and be on the same page. I think it’s important to be involved in the process so that it’s done exactly as you want it. When you’re involved, it’s nice to be able to bounce ideas around. Because sometimes you don’t know what you want and it’s nice to rely on the experts who’ve done it a bunch of times.”

The confidence that Candice and Forrest developed with the Extreme Exteriors team is a huge reason why she would use us again. Their home site is an acre and a half, so they may continue to make changes to it with time. For instance, she’s thinking about adding a seating area with a firepit closer to the pond and installing a small bar area near the dining table.

One little finishing touch Candice may have to add soon is a cute sign that says, “McCray Resort”. Her parents came from South Carolina and couldn’t believe how beautiful everything looked. Her mom started calling it the McCray Resort and it really does fit. The elegance and beauty Candice and Forrest wanted to add to their home is abundantly present. A home should reflect who you are, and the McCray’s really got it right due to their level of involvement from start to finish.

Vicki and Perry Draper

Project: Outdoor kitchen, landscaping, irrigation

Why: A fire destroyed their home, but it didn’t take away the Draper’s love for their property. They rebuilt their home and outdoor living spaces better than before. They enjoy swimming, playing with their dogs, entertaining, and being together outside as often as possible.

Extreme Exteriors Services Used: Design, construction, retail, maintenance

Vicki and Perry Draper have been through a lot in the past two years with a total loss of their home. The fire destroyed everything, thankfully sparing their family from loss of life. They are both so cheerful, you would never know the trial they went through. They are a great example to their two children, Sadie and Samy, of moving on and not looking back.

Their cheerful personalities are reflected in the bright, happy furniture and décor which brings a fun vibe to their outdoor living areas. Within the last year or so, the Drapers have selected bar stools, dining sets, benches, and more so that there’s plenty of seating when they entertain. “There’s so many places to sit, half of our guests don’t even have to get along!” Perry commented with a laugh.

Perry loves to cook for friends and family and worked with the Extreme Exteriors design team on his outdoor kitchen. Perry had an outdoor kitchen before the fire, but it wasn’t as big as it is now. He has plans in the near future to make it even bigger, as he finds that he’s cooking out often enough that it makes sense to expand. “I want it 100 percent independent from the house, with a full-size refrigerator so I can keep all my stuff out there,” Perry said. He’s also thinking of adding a TV and more cabinet space. He’s eagerly waiting to see what the Extreme Exteriors design team comes up with!

Sadie and Samy love their outdoor space just as much as their parents. They have plenty of room to run around with the pet dogs, play on the play equipment, and most of all swim. Perry said the kids swim almost every night year-round. Vicki loves being outside with the kids and dogs too, and finds she’s at her happiest when the kids are swimming, the dogs are running around, and Perry’s cooking dinner. She loves the privacy and the peacefulness of her home.

Beyond the outdoor kitchen, the Extreme Exteriors team was also able to landscape the front and side yards, which needed a lot of help after the fire. The Drapers are pleased with their landscape design and the team’s efforts to bring new life back to their property. Their home is a true reflection of who they are and we are grateful we’ve played a small part in their story.

Lynn and Dee Ann Key

Project: Pool and spa, landscaping, outdoor living areas

Why: They love their home and neighborhood, and couldn’t picture being happier anywhere else. They had already remodeled the interior of their home, and the next logical step was to improve their outdoor living space.

Extreme Exteriors Services Used: Design, construction, irrigation, retail

The Key’s starting point was truly a blank slate. Lynn and Dee Ann rarely used the backyard because it was only grass. It wasn’t the kind of place that they would invite people over to enjoy, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love their home. They are very comfortable there and over the years, they had remodeled their home to suit their needs. From time to time, their interior remodeling contractors would say, “Let me know if you’re ever interested in a pool.” Without causing any offense, Lynn and Dee Ann decided the best course of action would be to find a professional pool designer.

The Keys were referred to the Extreme Exteriors team by some friends who were satisfied clients. They were shown several different design options for their pool and were happy with the clarity provided, especially because they hadn’t owned a pool before. In the end, they settled on a pool that features a raised spa with waterfall and a tanning ledge with bubblers.

Their favorite thing about working with the Extreme Exteriors team was there were no surprises. Lynn said, “Looking back it was a very wise choice because everything went off without a hitch. They would tell us what they were going to do and then they did it. They made progress every day, stayed on track, and were able to finish ahead of schedule.” Dee Ann and Lynn are very happy with the outcome and feel that it’s the best money they’ve ever spent!

The backyard has truly been transformed from a place that they didn’t really use to an extension of their home that they use every day. It’s also now a place they feel comfortable inviting guests to enjoy. Dee Ann is looking forward to hosting some special events soon — a graduation party at the end of May and a baby shower in June. Her college-age son and daughter have also invited their friends to come enjoy the newly renovated space and that’s been fun for the family. Dee Ann and Lynn are the kind of people who feel comfortable being at home, and we are thrilled that we got to be involved in making their home even more peaceful and inviting.

Dr. Ameeta Kapu

Clients: Dr. Ameeta Kapu and family

Project: Pool, pavers, and landscaping

Why: She previously had more time to travel, especially to the beach because she loves the water. As her work became increasingly demanding, she couldn’t get away as often, so she wanted her home to be her oasis. She also wanted her son and daughter to more fully enjoy being at home.  

Extreme Exteriors Services Used: Design and construction

What do you do when you can’t visit your favorite vacation destinations? You bring the feel of those amazing places home! When her children were younger, it was easier to get away. But as they grew and her work increased, Ameeta decided to contact the Extreme Exteriors team to see how we could help transform her backyard.

She wanted to capture the resort-style feel of some of the nicer hotels she stayed at during her previous travels. She also wanted a lot of plants because she enjoys beautiful scenery. She was very happy that her design selection process was easy and that the Extreme Exteriors team could offer her what she wanted. “The reason I chose Extreme Exteriors is because they offered high end materials. If I showed them a picture, they could get what I wanted. A lot of others just didn’t offer enough choices or didn’t have the knowledge that I expected.”

One of Ameeta’s top design priorities was a water feature for the pool because she loves the sound of falling water. She also wanted to make sure the pavers around the pool looked like they belonged there and tied in with the house. She said, “They did a great job on the patio. It almost looks like a French street! They listened to what I wanted and tied everything together so well. And they built the pool really fast, which is especially good.”

The pool was ready for her daughter’s high school graduation last year, and they hosted a celebration for her. “Lots of people came over and it was so beautiful,” she said. Ameeta is happy that she could give her kids a nice place that they could enjoy and that she has her own scenic views. Even though she still likes to travel, she doesn’t have the same need as she once did to “get away” for beautiful scenery. We’re so grateful that Ameeta gave us the opportunity to help transform her backyard into the restful, pleasant space she was looking for and that she could share her “story of why” with us.

Garza Family

Clients: The Garza’s

Project: Pergolas, outdoor kitchen, firepit, concrete walkways and patio spaces, new trees

Why: The Garza’s have a large piece of property, but before their Extreme Exteriors renovation they rarely went outside. They wanted a safe, fun place for the girls to play and a space to entertain friends.

Extreme Exteriors Services Used: Design, Construction, Retail

Over a period of 20 years, Armando Garza renovated and added on to his original home, making it more comfortable for himself, his daughter, and four grandchildren. When they got to the point to make the outside just as comfortable as the inside they called the Extreme Exteriors team! The Garza’s were looking for two main things; seating areas so they could eat together, and concrete walkways so the younger girls could ride their bikes around. They live on a busy road, so they wanted the girls to have a safe place to play in their own backyard.

The design team went to work and came up with a plan that the Garza’s loved and that fit their investment goal. Stacie explained how they chose Extreme Exteriors over another company. “We had another estimate, but they were going to do less work for the same price. They were also going to have to outsource some of the work. We liked the Extreme Exteriors design because it was more detailed and we got more bang for the buck.” The Garza’s design includes two pergolas. One fits directly over the outdoor kitchen and the other adds visual interest to the backyard patio. They also chose a new wood-burning fire pit and concrete walkways that connect the two patios and curve around the sides of the house. This allows younger sisters Kambri and Addalyn plenty of space to ride their bikes. The Extreme Exteriors team also defined a space for their play structure, adding mulch for safety.

With these enhancements in place, Stacie said, “We’ve been cooking, entertaining people and relaxing by the firepit. It’s just been great. In the past, we’d never come outside and now we’re out here a lot more!” They had fun celebrating with friends on New Year’s Eve, and Stacie is looking forward to throwing birthday parties this year in the backyard, something they’ve never done before. Stacie loved working with the Extreme Exteriors team and encourages anyone who is thinking of working with us to go for it. The whole family really loves their outdoor living spaces, and they look forward to making lots of great memories together in the years to come. 

Dr. John and Kelley Bliznak

Project: Pool, pavers, firepit, and landscaping

Why: There are two significant reasons – first, they wanted their home to be a gathering place for their family which would give their children great memories and serve as an inspiration for the future. Second, John takes weekend call as a neuroradiologist from his home office. In between sometimes stressful cases, he’s able to take a break to enjoy his plants or jump in the pool to unwind.

Extreme Exteriors Services Used: Design and Construction

John planned his home and backyard to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and most importantly, people! So far, it’s working great. John’s father loves to stop by and check out the hummingbird activity, and his kids enjoy spending time in the pool. The Extreme Exteriors team designed the flowerbed layout, but John himself organized and planted his abundantly blooming backyard. He is a serious plant-lover, and his yard includes cacti he brought from Arizona, salvias, honeysuckle vines, and blue mist flower shrubs that grow from early spring to late fall. “I had a strong desire to build something and landscape it the way I wanted it. It can be hard to make modifications to an existing home. Kelley sometimes tells people we built the house for the plants!”

When it came time to work on the pool, John drew inspiration from a home tour he took when he lived in Tucson for his neuroradiology fellowship. He said, “I was awestruck by this pool. There were rivulets coming off of flat rock boulders and no coping at all. Kelley and I talked about it and decided if we built a pool, we wanted to emulate that. When we started getting bids, Extreme Exteriors was the first to respond and the pricing was good. Everyone else was extremely expensive.” John and Kelley’s pool has a look unlike Extreme Exteriors has ever done before, with impressively large boulders hugging the pool’s edge. John said the team was able to do a phenomenal job with the resources at hand to build the pool. He admits it’s not exactly like his “inspiration pool” in Tucson, but that pool had a quarry next door and they could get all the granite they wanted at a very low cost. John appreciates that the team working carefully to position each boulder, achieved the right look, and did not drop them into the new pool! In addition, John literally went the extra mile, and drove to Marble Falls to choose more large boulders he wanted to include in his landscape.

Other elements that add to the character of the Bliznak’s backyard include: a custom built firepit, inspired by John’s travels in Africa; and a multi-tiered fountain they like to turn on when they’re hosting parties.

John and Kelley have enjoyed their pool and backyard for more than three years now. Judging from the pictures, everything looks like it could have been completed yesterday! The Bliznak’s are doing a wonderful job of keeping the pool looking great and all the plants healthy and happy. We appreciate them for taking the time to be our client profile and for sharing their story of why. We all have a story of why, and we hope that we can be a part of your story.

Meet Gary and Ginger Causey

causey5Project: Pool/spa (spool), pavers, sod, landscaping, outdoor fireplace, outdoor kitchen

Why: The drought years had taken their toll on the backyard. Gary and Ginger knew their view of the golf course had the potential to look really amazing. Gary is a do-it-yourselfer, but he knew what they wanted would require professional services. They also finally had the time to enjoy being at home, after many years of frequent travel to support their sons’ sporting activities.

Extreme Exteriors Services Used: Design, construction, irrigation, retail

Good things often start with imagination and creativity. Ginger and Gary had both of these qualities in abundance as they pictured a causey3beautiful backyard for their home. Having lived in their home for twelve years, they knew the potential it had – and the challenge it would be to bring out that potential. “I would have loved to do it myself, but it was too big of a job. We wanted something worthwhile to match the view and add value to the home,” Gary said.

At around the same time as the Causey’s were seriously considering upgrading the backyard, the golf course was undergoing a major revision. The greens close to their property were redone and the lake was enlarged. Thankfully this made their view even more beautiful than it was before, and provided additional motivation to move forward. 

Ginger and Gary wanted an outdoor fireplace or a firepit, a moderately-sized outdoor kitchen, new landscaping, and just enough grass for their new dog, Kona, to have a place to play. After meeting with the design team, Ginger and Gary decided to include a spool as well. Because the Causey’s yard is very open, it doesn’t have natural wind breaks such as tall trees, so they realized a firepit would likely be causey1too smoky for the space. A large outdoor fireplace with the natural stone that Gary liked was chosen and constructed, matching the stone on the spool and highlighting the color of the travertine pavers. Ginger especially likes the Versailles pattern of the pavers they chose.

The project has only been completed for a couple of weeks; but in that time, Ginger has enjoyed spending time outside on the patio, just watching people go by on the golf course. Gary and Ginger have spent some time in the spool and even Kona has tried it out a little! Ginger is very happy that the project was completed on schedule and that the team was so helpful. “They said to call at any time if I had questions and they were very responsive to our desires. They sent me pictures of exactly what to do with the spool and also made a video of how to test the chemicals so I wouldn’t forget. The crews were very respectful and were some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met.”causey2

Gary and Ginger envisioned a nice place to relax and socialize and as of now, it’s nearly picture-perfect. The big-screen TV is in the box ready to be installed, and the Extreme Exteriors team has only a few minor adjustments to make to the outdoor kitchen and landscaping. Other than that, Ginger’s friends are asking, “When are we having a girls’ night?” The Causey’s may end up being more popular than they want to be! In all seriousness, the backyard looks amazing and definitely adds the value to their home that they were looking for. There’s no doubt at all that they have many years ahead of enjoying their Extreme Exteriors renovation to the fullest.causeyfinal

Terry and Garnet Essex

Clients: Terry and Garnet Essexessex1

Original project:  Pool with waterfall, grotto and spa, sunken outdoor kitchen, outdoor lighting, wood-burning firepit, sod and landscaping

Additional renovation: Custom therapeutic spa, replaced wood-burning firepit with gas firepit, remodeled stairs to bridge

Why: Terry and Garnet wanted to create a place they could enjoy with their friends and family year-round

Services used: Design, pool and landscape construction

When Terry was in Acapulco dreaming of his ideal retirement location, he loved the thought of living right there with the magnificent ocean views and a golf course steps away. But for an asking price of a cool $1 million for an acre lot, Terry knew the dream would have to be realized elsewhere. Fortunately for Extreme Exteriors, Terry and his wife Garnet settled on Abilene to build their home. And though he’s missing his ocean view, he has created a backyard paradise that he loves to use each and every day – and he did get his house on the golf course!essex2

Terry and Garnet lived and worked in Montana for a number of years and although he loved cooking outside, the cold climate naturally limited the amount of time they could truly enjoy their backyard. He knew that by moving to Texas, he would not only be able to cook outside a lot more, but he would also be able to live his ideal lifestyle more easily.

The original build approximately seven years ago included the pool with the bridge, the grotto with a spa, a sunken outdoor kitchen, and complete landscaping. It also included a wood-burning firepit. After enjoying this for several years, Terry and Garnet decided there were a few design changes they would like to make it ideal. First of all, the wood burning firepit was removed and replaced with a gas firepit, making it easier on Garnet who is allergic to smoke. Additionally, the rock steps were remodeled, making them more level than the original build thus making it easier to negotiate the steps without stumbling. The spa under the grotto was removed and completely redone. The new spa features four Bullfrog therapeutic chairs, two of which are completely customized for Terry and Garnet and the other two were placed for guests.essex3

In working with the team on the spa remodel, Terry praised the Extreme Exteriors team saying, “This was creative stuff that’s not easy to do. We appreciated the crew being here on the build, making sure everything was done right and completed the way we wanted it to be.” Terry considers his backyard the perfect place to be outside, and he said there isn’t a week that goes by that they’re not cooking outside. Terry consistently cooks on the Big Green Egg, and he’s gotten pretty good at ribs and brisket. He mentioned what a great cook Garnet is and how she loves to entertain. “The Saturday before Thanksgiving, Garnet hosts a party as a gift to her friends as a celebration of the Christmas season. She includes a wine tasting, along with a variety of cheeses and hors d’ouevres.”  Garnet and Terry also recently hosted a baby shower and dozens of guests were easily accommodated. They love having a place where they can host special events and where they have no problem getting the grandkids to visit!essex-5

Terry is impressed with how company president Randy Glenn has grown the business and put a good team together. He summed up his thoughts saying, “If you’re considering doing something creative outside, that’s not cookie cutter, and you don’t talk to Extreme Exteriors, you’re going to make a mistake.” Terry has generously trusted us to create some very original work. Without clients such as Terry and Garnet, we wouldn’t grow as a company.  And so we graciously say “thank you” to the Essex family for allowing us to be a part of their story.essex-4      

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