Clients: Jeff and Terry Groban
Project: Pool, Landscaping, Irrigation, Retail
Why: Terry has a high-pressure job and she needs her home to be a place where she can relax and unwind. Both Terry and Jeff enjoy entertaining and want their home to be very inviting to guests.
Extreme Exteriors Services Used: Design, Construction, Retail
For some people home is not much more than a place to throw a frozen dinner in the microwave, toss laundry into the washing machine, and fall asleep on the couch with the TV on. For others, like Jeff and Terry, it’s a lot more than that – it’s a place to host fun parties with friends enjoying delicious, home-cooked meals. It’s also a place to unplug the phone, unwind with a glass of wine and simply relax.
When Terry and Jeff were house-hunting they knew they wanted a place to host friends, as well as a place to unwind from the stresses of the day. The house they found had a wonderful outdoor kitchen. It just needed a pool! “We had a pool at the other house, said Jeff. “Terry loves laying by the pool on the weekends. She has a pretty stressful job and she talked me into building a pool here.”
Jeff spent a lot of time talking to designer Randy Glenn about how the pool and patio should look. The design uses Holland pavers to blend in very naturally with the outdoor kitchen that was already there. The Extreme Exteriors team also helped Terry and Jeff choose new, comfortable patio furniture that enhances the areas around the pool and outdoor fireplace.
Their home’s location is perfect for them because they have a large lot with no neighbors behind them, so they don’t really have to worry about being the noise level. This makes it ideal for times when they
host a lot of people, such as their annual Super Bowl party, where they had about thirty guests over. They also cook out almost every Sunday night with their kids and grandkids. It also makes it nice for Terry to lay out in the beach entry of the pool and totally chill without noisy neighbors disturbing her peace and quiet. The tranquil atmosphere is only broken by the sound of the water gently cascading from the waterfalls onto the surface of the pool, and that’s relaxing in and of itself!
Jeff described how he originally came up with the idea for the small waterfalls. “I was in Colorado for a meeting on the back side of a golf course. There was a stream running near about six or seven of the holes and I enjoyed the sound of the gently running water. “ Jeff and Randy came up with a plan that included two small waterfalls that can be controlled to increase or decrease the flow of water. The waterfalls add a nice touch of visual and audible interest to the overall look.
It’s early in the warm weather season, and the Grobans have enjoyed the pool a little already and look forward to entertaining a lot more this summer. Jeff heartily recommends Extreme Exteriors, mainly because the team was at the house almost every day doing something to get the job done. He found that when we said it would be done by a certain time that it was done on time. Our reliability is something that the Extreme Exteriors team takes pride in, and it’s a quality that sets us apart from the competition. We want our valued clients to know that they can count on us to finish the job right, just like we did for Jeff and Terry!